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Comment: Crater Lodge.

08CraterLodgeToSopa - 1 * Ethopian Airlines sent our lost luggage to the wrong lodge so our southern rim detour was to pick them up at the Crater Lodge.

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08CraterLodgeToSopa - 3 * Crater Lodge.

08CraterLodgeToSopa - 4 * Crater Lodge.

08CraterLodgeToSopa - 5 * Grave marker and memorial for Professor Bernhard Grzimek and his son Michael Grzimek pionered conservation for Tanzania's wildlife after WWII.

08CraterLodgeToSopa - 6 * Grave marker and memorial for Professor Bernhard Grzimek and his son Michael Grzimek pionered conservation for Tanzania's wildlife after WWII.

16SerengetiToLakeManyara - 01 * Heading west around the souther rim.

Copyright © 2007 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

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